provided by Jann Garitty

Flower essences, also known as remedies, are a form of plant medicine developed formally by Dr. Edward Bach (United Kingdom) in the 1930s. Since that time, they have been used by people and practitioners worldwide and are recognized for their gentle and efficacious healing effects helping to balance emotions. Substantiating this phenomena is an extensive clinical research database maintained for more than four decades by Flower Essence Services and the Flower Essence Society. Flower essences are classified by the U.S. FDA as herbal supplements.
Flower essence therapy consultations, formulation and dosage bottle for adults, children and animals.

Flower essence consultations for adults and children are offered utilizing the MetaFlora approach for emotional healing conceived and developed by Patricia Kaminski, Director of the Flower Essence Society. It is a process that easily helps one in knowing the areas in which they would like to focus their healing work. You will choose the parameters for your own process, be it short term or a longer term process.
Consultations for animals, of course, involve a different approach, based on the caretaker's observations and experiences with the animals.
Work together is done via email, phone, apps, or possibly in-person if in my area – whatever type of connection works for us both.
Over 20 years experience working for the Flower Essence Society and Flower Essence Services
Former Class Administrator for the Flower Essence Society
Extensive experience interviewing flower essence practitioners worldwide, writing articles and publishing about their professional work
Self-study of herbalism, aromatherapy and other modalities for well-being and health
B.A. Psychology 1973, University of Minnesota

Consultation: $75; includes interaction and follow up information regarding advised formula with formula prepared and sent by FES, for continental U.S. clients.
Consultation only: $50
Formula bottle: You may order it yourself directly from Flower Essence Services, $19.50 plus shipping.
Follow up consultation: $60; includes feedback and formula bottle prepared and sent by FES.
Follow up consultation only: $35
Payment is accepted via PayPal and Zelle.
Interested? Questions?
Jann Garitty
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Flower Essences Prepared by Flower Essence Consultation

View a pertinent and impactful interview with Brené Brown, best-selling author, in which she speaks of the power in identifying emotional feelings as written about in her book Atlas of the Heart.
Images by Jann Garitty from top to bottom: Passionflower, Shooting Stars, Lupine,
Glassy Hyacinth, Penstemon,
Purple Monkeyflower, Columbine